This is the game to get if you have Xbox Live, but the campaign is frustating. Anyway, it's a fun game that's worth $60.

User Rating: 8.3 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat X360
To put it in a nutshell, Battlefield 2: Modern Combat focuses on multiplayer, and makes that part of the game loads of fun. The campaign has some neat features, like hotswapping, but it's unforgiving difficulty makes you just want to play online for a few more hours.

The core gameplay is solid. While the controls aren't what I would have made them, they work pretty well and make most of what you need to do available without taking your hands off the thumbsticks. In campaign mode, you also get hotswapping, which lets you switch to another character to take out a helo, for example. So technically you can't die, unless all your soldiers die, which sounds like it'd be easy, but is actually hard. So don't get personal with any one character, as they are nameless and expendable. The camaign sets itself up to be fun, but generally isn't.

But the A.I. for enemies is pretty good. If you are on a roof sniping some infantry on the ground, don't be surprised if they climb up and shoot you in the back. Your teammates apparently like to get shot though.

The vehicles are good except they are painfully weak. Not in terms of damage (they take quite a bit of it before exploding), but in that a tank can't get over a rock without getting stuck. Otherwise the vehicles add another dimension to online matches.

Speaking of online matches, they are extremely fun and almost lag free. While there isn't a traditional deathmatch (just CTF and conquest) you'll have a blast. A good team can do great things in BF2: MC. CTF isn't excactly that great, but conquest will basically tape you to the couch for hours at a time. You have 450 tickets at the start, and whoever loses all their points loses. You keep points by taking over strategic locations on the map, much like The Outfit. If you are struggling and the other team has all the territories, you will lose points until you eventually get defeated. There are actually very little direct confrontations in a given match. Sometimes there'll be a big shootout at a base, but other than that it's little skirmishes. It almost seems like a real war would be. Gaining control of the map with some gun fighting along the way.

The sound rocks (except the annoying announcer) with gun sounds, explosions, and scattered voice acting.

The graphics are also good, though you can sense some Xbox 1 textures among the Xbox 360 graphical features. It looks very good in

So if you have Xbox Live, give this a try.

If you don't, try at your own risk but don't say I didn't warn you.