While overrated, this game can still be pretty fun.

User Rating: 5.5 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2
When I first heard Battlefield 2 was for also the PS2, I was quite excited. However, when I had finally gotten ahold of it, it was nowhere near what I thought. Yes, that means it's not at all like the PC version. The absence of the jets was the very first disappointment, though it was still some fun without. Singleplayer plain was borish, although good for when you needed to kill time.

Now the online was something else. It wasn't all that, but it was still pretty fun. The rank system, however, is border-line impossible once you reach a certain rank, due to the crazy PPH system, but that doesn't matter since the rank isn't necessarily needed for anything.

Snipers have a way unfair advantage over most other player kits. First off, all sniper rifles kill with 1 shot (which I can see as sensible for some of the rifles, but not all.) Also, if a sniper finds a nice spot, they can stay on one side of a map and take out almost everybody, only stopping once they run out of ammo (in which they hightail over to the ammo box and go right back to their sniping spots.)

Speaking of maps, due to the stupid vote system for maps, players can play on the same two maps all day and almost every day, and the choice is obvious to anybody who's played this game - Bridgetoofar and Backstab. That's right, mostly every player plays on these two maps nowadays. Choose any other map, and you and perhaps only a few other people (by a few I mean 3 or 4) will be playing that map. On Capture the Flag, it's the same, only RussianBorder is the only other map people want to play on. And it's really a shame, because the other unplayed maps are really good.

The controls and somewhat slow and messed-up game mechanics, (if you jump off a bridge and graze into the railing, you'll bounce back, and characters move and reload like old men with arthritis) make the game a bit harder. When you're trying to jump off a bridge to avoid that tank, it really doesn't pay to have bounced right back onto the bridge just because your foot grazed the railing.

Reload times for many guns are horrendous. You seriously don't want to wait over 5+ seconds to finish reloading.

The guns are also unrealistic. They sound wrong, and almost every gun functions the same as its foreign counterpart, just different reload times. The only gun that has a variable firing range is the shotgun used by the US forces (The SPAS-12)

Glitching is another serious problem. Many players will glitch their way into a certain area and take out others with ease. This creates a serious problem to those looking for fair game.

The helicopters have a high advantage over most ground forces, which is a good and a bad thing. They fire missiles like there's no-tomorrow. Also, choppers like the Black hawk can ferry a number of players to a certain area of the map, which is great - when the pilot is a team player that is. On the other hand, on maps like Bridgetoofar, they can be used to get snipers and whatnot into those really unreachable high places, and snipers camp on the big buildings a lot.

All-in-all, this game's pretty good. Although frustrating at times, and with a near-worthless singleplayer, you'll still have a good time.