Think Battlefield 1942. Now lower your standards some. There you go!

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat is, by all means, a fun game. It has the feel of Battlefield 1942, except more non-strategic. Let us take a look at what this game succeeds in and fails in, shall we?

The Good :

- The hotswapping feature (which enables you to switch instantly to another teammate in your view) is loads of fun, and is a fun way to escape death while watching your computer ally die (cheating death = cool)
- Somewhat interesting take on a basic story which allows you to see how two different sides view the same incidents. It's not something you see everyday in a game.
- Guns are extremely fun, and if you run out of ammo completely, you automatically replenish it fully (after a period of time).
-The stationary weapons (turrets and stinger missiles) are kinda fun. So are the automotives and helicopters (though they are frustrating to fly)
- Lots of different locations to fight in. From bridges, to mountains, to the docks, to the air, on a boat, on an oil rig/island area, to snow covered cities. It has a lot of cool places.
- I have not played the multi-player for this game, so unfortunately I cannot comment on it. But that means I have nothing bad to say about it!
-Weapons are unlocked and upgraded by how good you are doing. The better you perform, the more upgrades and weapons yo will have for the next mission. Great concept.
-The game is fun. Simple as that. It may not be exactly what you expect sometimes...but it is entertaining to pay through and through.

The not so good:

- Voice acting (which consists of regular American general, stereotypical Chinese guy, and annoying computer friends who require your aid all the time) is not so amazing
- Speaking of computer friends who need your aid...get used to it. Your allies die easier than goldfish out of water, unless they are in large groups...then only half die by the time they figure out how to hit the enemy
- As noted before...there are lots of places to fight. just do not expect them to look so pretty. Actually nothing in this game really looks pretty. Kinda looks like something PS2 would have thrown out in the beginning of its days. But in the constant movement of the game, you forgive it.
- Speaking of is frustrating sometimes. Especially on stairs. You get stuck, all the time. Now, on the other hand,tanks and jeeps can move fast, in fact they can zoom up mountain sides (so can your infantry, so don't think mountains are ever impassable). It's slightly ridiculous. But it is a fun sight to see.
- Enemies spawn everywhere. In front of you. Behind you. Above you. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they spawned right inside of you. Watch your radar carefully!
-They say you can tell your allies to get in the vehicle with you....and while that is true...don't expect them to respond. They do not listen to you.
-One thing about weapons...shotguns cannot snipe. I like using shotguns as much as the next guy, but when it does nothing against an enemy right in my face, but I was able to kill a sniper on a roof 3 buildings away...something is fishy...

My advice: Rent it and play it. It is not that long honestly, and it is thoroughly enjoyable. If you think you want to continue playing it online, then buy it and do so. Just, don't take this game too doesn't deserve to be.