This game has a good multiplayer with a nice BIG community online(PS2) so its not short there... but in the story its...

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2
This game has a good multi - player with a nice BIG community online(PS2) so its not short there... but in the story its dull. I mean the game is good YES. You can do so much in this game. You get so many weapons it has its own kind of achievement system like Xbox Live with cool things you can get. It also has great graphics. The story is good. But only the first time because its like the standard Shooter story of terrorists with a nuclear weapon and you need to kill the guy because if you don't the whole world will die bla bla bla... I mean its not that you shouldn't buy it... I mean especially if you have an internet connection go for it. But seriously if your still on the PS2 and can get a x-box 360... go for the 360 man it seriously is better. Not to mention this version on the x-box has a lot better graphics and functionality

SUMMARY: Good game to add to PS2 collection because its a good story to play about 1 -2 times and then right after wards multi-player is fun... really fun. all the helicopters and trucks and guns going off are great... and plus its balanced so its not like 1 class is the ultimate