This was a totally brilliant game a few year`s ago, but there has been less people on the servers.So the game has lost..

User Rating: 9.3 | Battlefield 1942: World War II Anthology PC
This was a totally brilliant game a few year`s ago, but there has been less people on the servers.So the game has lost a bit of it`s magic.
If ya want good sound on the game ya have to turn your speaker`s right up as the sound quality is quite bad.The graphic`s look ok but some of the edges on objects look kind of bad (espectially the trees).It look`s rubbish compared the the newer versions of battle feild.As it has no explodeable environments.
The game-play doesn`t suffer at all from the bad graphic`s and sound.It is highly active and is even better online! The anthology version is even better because it add`s up in total of 36 map`s and 66 vehicles.
There isn`t much of a story to the game , it`s just pure killing of the opposition!! To contribute to this there is also tank`s,planes,boats, long range artillery,and some static defences to blow the people away!!
There are also `kit`s` such as engineer,medic,assault, sniper and anti-tank.You can play each one as many times as you want. And each kit is given different weapons per map, some kit`s stay the same depending on the kit you selected.
The game is starting to suffer now as there is less people online (due to battle field 2). Still the game is very fun if you can find a full server.The worst bit of the game is trying to get it out of the case.It comes with 4 disk`s to install and one to play, each of them are realy hard to get out of the case! I snapped the disk in half trying to get it out of the case!! Lucky there is the other 3 disk`s you can play the game off!! Over-all battle field 1942 -world war 2 -Anthology , is a brilliant game , and I would advise any extreme gamer to buy it!! *I would be playing it now if i could install it on this pc-stupid box!!*