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User Rating: 8.6 | Battlefield 1942: World War II Anthology PC
Arguably the best multiplayer game ever made. Back in 2002 I became glued to my computer. I bought a game called Battlefield 1942 and I became an instant addict. I was a history buff long before I played the game and I scoffed at its unrealistic portrayal of World War 2, but when I actually sat down and played the game, all my quarrels faded away. The game and its expansions let you play in different theatres as all the major powers of the war. The original game featured such memorable levels as The Battle of the Bugle and D-Day, but Road to Rome truly brought the best to the table. I will go on the record and say that Casino is the greatest level for deathmatch ever conceived. The later expansions added little to the armory, but much to the locales. The Gameplay is not realistic at all. You can play the role of tanker, medic and airmen in one game and do things a real soldier couldn’t do, but unless you’re an extreme history buff or insane, it is hard not to enjoy this game. The gameplay is so addictive and entertaining that you’ll be talking to your friends about moments on the battlefield in all their glory. The graphics are starting to show their age, but they still do the job. Character models and collision detection are spotty to say the least, but the game is stable and runs well online. Textures can range from detailed to bland, but the game successfully recreates World War 2 Europe. The Anthology pack is a must buy for anyone who does not yet own this game (what’s wrong with you). You get the brilliance of the original game and the icing of the two later expansions for the price of one. If you have not played this game then stop what your doing and go buy it now.