Very satisfying about knocking the crap out of Dinosaurs

User Rating: 9 | Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D 3DS

Get Dinosaurs 3D, the game actually has a story of sorts. Apparently there is one evil dinosaur trying to bring the world of dinosaurs under a single rule. You get to pick a faction you'd like to fight for. These factions include, but are not limited to, predators and defenders. Of course I wasn't gonna pick some weak veggie eaters. I was going T-Rex. Oooooh yeah!

The graphics are real nice and offer a 3d (not the 3D effect 3d, but rather Mario 64 style 3d.

The controls are very simple and it walks you through each battle. It tells you the weakness of the dinosaur and the button to use for that move. If you lose the battle, you can have a rematch. You hold 3 items you have found in the game. You find them by winning easier battles or walking thru tree branches, so not an issue to find items to use! that make you stronger with certain moves. You also never run out of lives. If you like Dinosaurs fighting games buy this game or rent it.