Arcadey goodness

User Rating: 7.2 | Battle of Europe PC
As long as you take this game for what it is then there is some fun to be had here. And what is it? It is an arcade style flying game which is mission based. You will represent the Royal Air Force as they defend Britain from the Nazi onslaught. There are a few different planes to choose from at the beginning of each mission, each with their own characteristics. You have unlimited ammo in your machine guns and each plane carries around 20 bombs and 15 or so rockets. So as you can see it is not a realistic flight sim. Each mission you may shoot down 10 or more planes and bomb several land and sea targets to oblivion. What this game is is not a flight sim based on any sort of realistic mission. I was looking to buy Il-2 The Forgotten Battles and cant find it so I picked this up instead. Not what I was looking for but as long as you know this ahead of time you may find it to be pretty fun. And for 20 bucks what the heck!