In whole, an unpleasant experience

User Rating: 5.5 | Battle for Troy PC
I got Battle for Troy in a bargain bin, thinking it might surprise me. However, despite my positivity, it didn't. Battle for Troy has many bad aspects of an RTS that most popular don't have.

If you're not aware, this is a Real Time Strategy game where you either control the Trojans or the Greeks. You create units, and kill your opponents with them. Simple as that.
That is exactly what BfT is missing: substance. You get to only build 3 buildings, Barracks, Stable and Builder tent, where you get a very small choice of units (spears, swords, archers, healers, Cavalry, builders) for any RTS of any kind. You get to only play campaigns, which is highly restricting. There is a scenario creator, but in all truth, i never figured out how to start doing anything on it. It looked like the developers completely forgot to finish that part.

Not only that, but all of the campaigns are a barrel of rape after the first mission, the controls are so-so (but since you can change that, i'll give them that), the technique of earning income is dodgy, including holding towers in towns (which can't shoot under them :( ) and picking gold off peoples bodies and the ground, and it has this rather annoying scavenger aspect which makes you traverse ancient Troy for artifacts that will aid you.

Although i didn't mind the "leveling up" system they gave to all soldiers (which improves Hit Points and Attack with every 3 kills) and the special abilities units have (eg. Spearmens spear throw), it wasn't very fun.
Thanks for your time.