One of the best Commodore 64 games, and better than the Amiga version!

User Rating: 9.5 | Battle Command C64
This game is simply awesome for the machine it was made on - the Commodore 64, it's so impressive that I still play it to this day and rate it as one of my all time favourite games and without a doubt one of the best Commodore 64 games ever made. It's an open world game, you go where you like and complete your mission in the order you see fit. The world is fairly large, bigger than most others of it's day and there's plenty of enemies in it too. The graphics are extremely good for the Commodore 64 and the choice of weapons and extras for your tank adds a strategic element too, although it is primarily an arcade shooter. The only downside is the extreme difficulty, which is far higher than most. I have never managed to complete it yet! There's 10 missions in all, which means you will be playing this for quite some time.