This is one of the few games on Amiga that are actually fun to play. A Battle Chess in 2D or 3D graphics;D

User Rating: 9.6 | Battle Chess AMI
Note: I would put Publisher: Interplay and Electronic Arts. And Producer: Interplay. (I could be wrong also!D)

It’s funny!!!D This is one of the few games on Amiga that are actually fun to play. You can choose to play the game between a classic overview 2D graphics and a 3D sideview graphics, which the 3D were the best one I think!D To be honest chess have never been my most interesting enjoyment, but because of the funny 3D choice it made it more interesting. The 3D mode looks more like… instead of the normal characters, you have animated figures that can walk around and fight with other characters. The characters have an old king and queen look!D

I can’t remember anything from those days, that I was disappointed on the game on anytime, perfect graphics, music, gameplay, value and tilt. But still it feels wrong to give Battle Chess perfect gameplay and value because of the simplicity of the game. Interplay should have done more with the game.
