Not a bad game, but certainly not one of the best

User Rating: 6 | Batman GB
ONe of the early gameboy games, batman tries to mix action gaming with platforming, then adds a little bit of "nemisis" like airplane shooting stages. It actually reminds me alot like super mario land. Small sprites, and levels with airplanes.

Graphics: Early gameboy. Small sprites, muddy screen. Incredible ard to tell what the power-ups are. This game can hurt your eyes if you aren't careful. The shading isn't done the best with the monocrome screen, but its not as bad as it could've been....look at darkman for gameboy...that was bad

Sound: Not too bad in this department. Really just an average deal. Nothing bad, and nothing that keeps you humming it years later. The usual explosion noises are here

Gameplay: Guide batman through some very linear stages. At the end, kill joker. One button jumps, the other shoots. Easy enough.

Fun: Depends on if you are a batman fan or not, because it is a pretty average platformer otherwise.

Overall: see my explaination in fun. If you like batman, pick it up, if not, stay away.