Brings back so many memories from my childhood :)

User Rating: 10 | Batman NES
This game is one of those that I've played in my childhood and loved them so much. The soundtrack first of all is GREAT. No other NES game I played had such good music, well many games had good OST, but not like this one. I could call its soundtrack the Metallica of the NES because it's dramatic, but also kinda hardcore at some parts. The graphics are decent for its time, the gameplay, everything is very good, especially for a movie to game adaptation because those don't usually work well at all. The story (I almost forgot that) is just like in the 1989 movie "Batman", so if you've seen it there no big surprise. So go and download this on emulator, or what the hell, even buy it if you can because it's so worth the money :)
PS: being a hardcore fan of Batman maybe I exagerated, but it's worth giving it a shot :)