The Coolest batman game ever!!!

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3
When The Joker once again returns to Arkham Asylum, he takes over. Playing as Batman, you try to reach Joker and teach him a lesson. Solving riddles, fighting Jokers crew, indeed never gets boring!! Grappling, shooting Batarangs, punching, kicking, explosion gels, all are in this game. Since this game is not based on movie, it turned out great! The characters in this game include Joker, Riddler, Harley Quinn,Mr. Freeze , Catwoman, Two Face, and a little bit more. Oh, and by the way , the most important person: BATMAN! The graphics in this game is awesome!$%^^&#$^ !! The voice acting in this game is absolutely HI-Larous! This game is actually worth BUYING! I didn't buy this game though. You'll never ever get bored of this original game! Jokers Laughs are very creepy and amazing. All the acting in this game is great! The game designers for this game made the asylum look like its been hit by a joker!!

Well, I guess this is a wrap of the review! PEACE!