Baten Kaitos has some excellent twists and turns despite the fact that the combat gameplay may turn some off.

User Rating: 8.5 | Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean GC
At first the gameplay will turn one off except those who are very dedicated to the genre, but the mixed graphics which are surprisingly amazing and the musical score which is in my opinion just utterly great. Unfortunately aside from the linear storyline Baten Kaitos has for the player, there is pretty not much a lot in sidequests, except for the fact of collecting magnus which is the basis of combat in the game, and a few name gatherings and the lot. Aside from the 'save the world' cliche' again as are in RPG's, theres quite an amount of surprising twists and turns in the game, especially sometime near the ending where a lot is revealed and you might not expect. Even if you thought there are some things you thought would occur. But anyways, the game itself is pretty much on par with the average RPG, i'd say any gamecube owner who is into RPGs should get a copy of this and play it, for its a memorable experience.