While the title looks interesting, rest assured, the game ain't.

User Rating: 3 | Baron Wittard: Nemesis of Ragnarok PC
BW is a typical slide-show click-fest puzzle game. The game had managed to annoy me to the point that I stopped playing at the block sliding puzzles after countless tries. Yes, my patience ran out due to the game's annoyances- but also because I find no further incentive to keep going.

You move from one place, or "slide" by clicking a spot when your cursor shows that you can move there. So you first have to find the 'spot', then move. Right from the start, the movement in the game is annoying and tedious.

As stated, the whole game is a slideshow. The atmosphere is static and lifeless. You traverse a mansion, starting from outside and breaking inside. The places is generally dark and gloomy, sometimes there's blood and unusual sounds- a bit horror like. But the bland atmosphere which is a succession of static pictures after pictures offers no incentive to play on. To add salt to the injury, the game has plenty of 'dead' spaces: places you can move to but has absolutely no function to the game except for sight seeing-and there's nothing really interesting to see.

In terms of gameplay, BW requires you to find some rune stones. This implements the usual "hidden puzzle aspect" which you must comb the screen for an interactive spot-annoying and boring. There are also switches which require you to do the same. I have missed 2 switches and been offered no info as to their existence. I had to look at a walkthrough to know that I missed them.

Advices or info. None. The game pretty much lets the player figure everything by themselves. You will be given no advices if you're stuck or have no idea what to do. If you find a clue, your character will not take note of it. You yourself will have to know that it IS a clue, and jote it down somewhere. There are however clues to solving certain puzzles, but the clue and the puzzle are located-about 20 slides away-provided you go directly to that place.

Which brings us to non-linear. BW isn't linear, you can go whichever place you want. Sometimes you'll find puzzles very early on, that you cannot solve until you find the clue on later levels. The first major puzzle to get into the mansion however is pretty near, but that's because there is no area to explore.

As for the puzzles, you do not find an item and use on a particular puzzle. Puzzles are generally 'stand-alone', you can solve it rigt there w/o items(sometimes you need a clue to get a start). Often, you aren't given a clue. You will have to figure out how the puzzle actually works-then solve it. The puzzles lacks creativity and tedious. E.g.:
-locked door mechanism: you must push buttons on pedestal located about 10 slides away from each other in the correct sequences
-sliding block puzzles. You slide block to form a complete picture from a disarranged blocks.
-pressure valve control. You will have 16 buttons to click- each with different pressure magnitude and NONE are labelled. If you fail, you need to repower the machine and start again. Basically, this puzzle offers annoyances.
In terms of creativity, none. These are basic, done to death puzzles. What is worst is due to the annoying movement mechanism, solving the puzzles can be annoying. Puzzles that doesn't require you to move to another area still insist on annoying you like the pressure puzzle.

Story? As you progress through the game, you focus more on finding stones and solving puzzles but little are you connected to the story. When you go from places to places, nothing really happens. You look around for the stone, solve a puzzle, or solve a puzzle to find a stone. There's little dialogue-not to complex, there's very little text too. Sometimes you will find useless pamphlets which are uninteresting.

BW to put it simply, is a blend of inconveniences. The game doesn't make your gaming smooth and fun-it tries it's best to annoy you. The story is disjointed-you will feel no different playing several flash puzzle games on the internet than BW. The atmosphere is dull and bland. You will not laugh, be amazed, sad or petrified. Puzzles are uninteresting.
Do yourself a favour and avoid this horrendous 'puzzle' game. There are far better one out there.