think Kingdom Hearts' gummi ship creator but without Chip n' Dale

User Rating: 8 | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts X360
Intro- Banjo and his sidekick Kazooie are back for another adventure. This time they leave almost all of their previous platforming behind in favor of vehicle customization.

Gameplay- Basically, you are given a task to complete and will need a vehicle to do so. Where the vehicle comes from is up to you: create your own from scratch or use one of the many blueprints obtainable throughout the game. Sometimes you will be provided with a vehicle that you will have to use. This game is filled with a wide variety of activities in which to put your creations to work. Most of it is fun but can get repetitive. Most of it is fun but can get repetitive. Most of it is fun but can get repetitive. Yeah, kind of like that. There is alot of racing on land, water, and in air. You will also be collecting, transporting, pushing, guarding, attacking, lifting, performing stunts, plus a whole lot more. My favorites were the sport themed tasks where you would use your vehicle to play different variations of soccer, water polo, darts, dominoes, pool, and even sumo wrestling.

Graphics- This game has some excellent graphics. Everything from levels to the characters themselves are very imaginative and detailed. Even when you try making a vehicle look bad it ends up looking cool. There were some frame rate issues which occurred at the very beginning of the game but were very brief. Note that there is a stage where you are inside a console and when you hit the graphics card it actually messes up the screen!

Sound- The music fits each area of the game nicely. The Banjoland stage has a notable track consisting of mixed music from the previous Banjo games. Sound effects do their part most of the time but occasionally would be absent. The Jinjos can get annoying as well.

Difficulty- This is somewhat difficult(no pun intended) to judge as each person will be better or worse at certain parts of the game. I can safely say though that no matter how skilled you think you are, you will have problems towards the end of the game. I was cleaning my mouth out with soap after failing repeatedly at some of the more challenging objectives. Some advice is to constantly be upgrading your vehicles. For example, if your vehicle keeps crashing from sharp turns: let off the gas, add more weight, or even remove some of the power to slow it down. Also, when forced with having to use a vehicle that handles poorly, just jump out and fix it on the spot!

Overall- Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is like building with a box of Legos. Many will be entertained for quite some time while others won't.