Cute watercolor graphics, running, semi-difficult vehicular puzzles, and thats the whole game over and over and over.

User Rating: 7.5 | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts X360
This game screens cute, from the graphics to the helpless kangoroo's to the watercolor atmosphere. That being said the game is actually pretty challenging. The basic gameplay is that you are given this wand that allows you to edit and control vehicles and using these vehicles you solve complex puzzle in various worlds in hopes of out beating The witch. This is a far stretch from the semi fighting collecting save your sister story line we've come to love from the banjo kazooie franchise still there are some familiar aspects. Though the game is fun and long over 40 hours, if you attempt to collect everything over 60 hours, it does have its flaws. Some of the levels are really hard like play them over and over again hard. Also some of the trophies in the game seem almost unattainable. Also there isn't much to the fighting aspects of Banjo all you can do is swing kazooie, pretty lame. The replay value sn't that good either cause to be honest once you beat the game your so sick of the game having to play puzzles over and over again that your about feed up with Banjo and his flying counterpart. Also this game is definetly not intended for the younger croud, its difficulty will about frustrate any kid.

Overall: This game is a new look at an old classic, the gameplay is relatively fun and will keep you playing well over 40 hours. However the game is really trial and error and may seem abit similar from beginning to end. As far as the replay value, well play this game for over 40 hours and you tell me if you want to play it over again (NOT LIKELY)