Are you the creative type? Then get this game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts X360
Alright, so a lot of people don't enjoy this, but let me tell you, there is no way that you'll keep playing past hour 10 if you aren't creative. So someone that's constantly on CS and WOW will not enjoy this. But if you're creative, then this game is for you!
Now, I've personally been playing this game for about 75+ hours, and I bought it around four months ago. The campaign is pretty long, but not nearly as much as I've played. Less then a ten hours if played straight. But, you see, I, and many others, did not play straight. I for one started unlocking all the parts, and just building vehicles for fun. I got the campaign done at about 50 hours.
If this game had a better support for the community like LBP you might even consider it it's 360-counterpart. This game was released years ago, and still, people are creating new vehicles.
Why is this game for creative people? Let's see. You can create planes, boats, cars, submarines, rockets, helicopters, trailers,UFO's and ANYTHING in the middle with over a 1000 parts at your disposal. Heck, there are people who have actually giant robots!

So, do you like creating your own stuff? Walk out of your house, walk down the street to your neighborhood game store, and get this game for about 15$. Don't have a game store close to you? Get it live for 30$. 30$ to steep for you? Get it on gamefly for 10.