An odd little game, somewhat funny. But maybe a little simple...

User Rating: 8.1 | Baldy Land PS
Baldies is...well, basically it's a strategy game.

You control little bald men and your goal is to conquer the world and defeat the Hairy population.
Interesting setting, isn't it? The game is like a one big joke, but not really a bad one.

Your task is to build houses and grow more Baldies, which is a rather odd...thing.
You put 2 or more Worker type Baldies in a tree or a house, and they will slowly....breed. Thank God they don't show it in the game.

There are 4 types of Baldies, and you can instantly switch between the types at any given time.
The types are Worker, Builder, Scientist and Soldier.
Workers are just for breeding, and that's all. They just watch TV in their living rooms. The amount of Workers you have affect the amount of weight you can carry with your god-hand. Carrying things is important, because there are animals and objects in the game that speed up a process or give you a bonus of somekind when the item/animal is dropped into a house, like for example foxes and rabbits speed up breeding.
Builders build and maintain the houses. From the Builders' room inside the houses you can choose what type of a house you want (castle, nursery, barracks...). You will always need a certain amount of builders inside a house, or the building will eventually start burning and collapse.
Scientists develop weapons and traps, which you will use to kill off Hairies. They can use snakes, rocks and cows to create better traps. Scientists' Labs type of houses make them to create traps faster and better.
Soldiers protect your houses, kill Hairies and attack their houses. They only use fists at first, but with Barracks around they can have guns and grenades also.

Each type has it's own stamina bars which will only be filled up when you have enough Baldies from each type OUTSIDE of the houses, but their job is done better when there's more Baldies inside the houses, so you need to find a perfect balance here.

The conquering of houses is rather simple:
You send Soldiers into the houses, and each Soldier depletes one Hairy soldier guarding the house. When the amount of soldiers inside reaches 0, you'll get the house to yourself.

The meaning of the game mechanics are really hard to understand at first. It took me 2 days to realize what was the point of the game and the first levels, and there's A LOT of levels in the game, with different settings like Egypt and Alaska.

Baldies is certainly worth it's price these days, when you can easily pick it up for practically nothing. It's not magnificent, and might be disappointing to some people, but it's fun. You need good strategy skills to pass it, even though it's REALLY simple. But it's exactly the simple gameplay that makes you confused of your choices, and not in a bad way.