An awesome start for soccer games!

User Rating: 7.5 | Backyard Soccer PC
"Backyard Soccer is the most extensive kids' soccer game ever created! Pick your team, design their custom uniform, then head out to one of 20 unique fields. Backyard Soccer features all the fun and laughter of neighborhood games, plus the action and excitement of world-class competition." - back of game case. This game is easy to pick up and play right off the bat. You play ethier a single game or a season, you'll most likely play a season. You first create you team, pick your players, and then I think you pick your home field. After those three things you start to play. The season will take you about 3-4 days. You play your normal season plus indoor soccer tournaments if you'd like. Then if you are good enough you play in the playoffs and then the championship. The controls for the game are easy, as the back of the case puts is" Simple point-and-click controls." This pretty much rounds up the game. Thank you for reading my review.