The game is pretty good. It runs pretty well.

User Rating: 8 | Backbreaker PS3
All of you who think that Backbreaker's camera angles are horrible and you can't see whats happening around you, are right. It is horrible, but the intense action and bone cracking hits the game delivers, I think makes up for the bad POV. I think that the customization is very good in this game. The logo builder is top notch. There aren't enough game modes though, as tackle alley leaves you wanting more. Tackle Alley's entertainment also bumps up this games grade. Also, the physics that the game displays are superb! Every tackle happening in the game looks like what would happen in a real football game, thanks to the Euphoria Engine (which also was displayed in GTA 4). Overall Backbreaker is a GOOD game. The only flaws in this game is probably the camera angle and the game modes. On the contrary there are a lot of pros. I can't wait to see the sequel to this game. It has some serious potential.