Who could screw up this game?Well,the creators did.

User Rating: 3.5 | Back to the Future NES
This game sucks.


Hey,what are you still doing here?!Oh right,you wanted to know why it sucks.Well,it sucks because first of all,the levels are harder than two year old crap.There are these to retarded guys walking out in the street carrying this piece of glass that is invisible to the naked eye until you crash into it.Also,you have to collect these clock things,which is no where near the actual movie.And what's this?Oh,it's a clock right in front of a wall!I mean,I sure do have a deathwish!This game can really just drive you crazy!There's annoying things such as,bees,coffee mugs(or what looks like a coffee mug),hoola-hoop girls,bullies,manholes,carrier dudes,man this game is crazy!!!The music can just drive you to the point of insanity!First of all,the music loops over and over,and second,it's not even in the movie!Another complaint is your skateboard.First of all,when you see it,it looks more like an item that will kill you more than help you.Also,chances are,it will kill you!All it does is make you go faster,so you can crash easier than ever before,and you can't even jump over anything!Finally,after what feels like forever,you find yourself at Lou's Cafe.The goal of this level is to hit the bullies with whatever your throwing.But you have to aim just right or else you'll miss completely!Now,I got up to 15 as my VERY BEST!Do you even know how many bullies you have to beat to pass this level?!!50!!!That's insane!I can't even hit half of that!Well,this review is over!
