Axis and Allies is turn based war strategy at its finest.

User Rating: 9 | Axis & Allies: The Ultimate WWII Strategy Game PC
For those of you who have never played the board game of Axis and Allies, or any derivitives of the original, it is a game that pits the Axis powers (Germany and Japan) against the Allied powers (U.S.S.R., United Kingdom, and the United States) in a 'recreation' of the latter years of World War II. The major difference is that you control the outcome of the war as the commander in cheif of one (or several) country's assets. The only problem that I have with this game is that some of the rules do not always work. The computer game has some glitches in it , that cause problems relating to fighters and aircraft carriers. Also, while playing online I found the game to be somewhat unstable. Nonetheless, Axis and Allies is the most complete, intriguing, thought provoking, and entertaining piece of gaming I have ever played. I first encountered the board game version, and I am quite pleased with the computer adaptation. The board appears exactly the same on the screen as it does in the original board game. One neat addition is the extra rules that they have put in. My friends and I almost alway play with "Russia Restricted", just to even the odds a little bit and keep the game interesting. Additional rules, however, can keep you entertained for hours. All in all, Axis and Allies is the best board game ever produced and Hasbro has managed to successfully capture it in a great computer game. If you find it, buy it. It is definitely worth it.