A very fun and addictive WWII turn based strategy game. Numerous features in the game can make the game different..

User Rating: 9.5 | Axis & Allies: The Ultimate WWII Strategy Game PC
..from what game to the next with you being able to choose different set of rules. You can select other options like one or two hits for battleships, as well as even being able to modify individual units for any side, or just yours. Axis & Allies is a turn based strategy game, most games like this go on for a long time, but this one goes on for enough time so you don't think it went to quick, and doesn't take so long you get bored or annoyed. The graphics are nothing special, but then it's turn based and a game like this your playing for gameplay, which is great. You can play each major power of WWII, including Germany, Russia, USA, UK and Japan. It may be a 6 year old game, but it still is fun to play still. And whats great is the ability to play with up to 5 players on the same machine. Of course there are still multiplayer options to play like over LAN, but being able to play on the one machine is awesome. And the way it's done is perfect. For any fan of WWII turn based games, this is a must. Although it doesn't have as many statistics as a lot of the hard core turn based strategists are used to and love, so this might be more of a game for those curious about turn based games. It's pretty basic, but it's a lot of fun and definatly worth checking out.