Great Game

User Rating: 8.1 | Axis & Allies: The Ultimate WWII Strategy Game PC
This Game is great for an hour or so of entertainment. It's a rather small program, so you can put it on just about any computer, or (like I do) you can install it on your laptop and play it between classes or on breaks. This game will save at any time and does not require your complete attention making it a good game to play while doing other things around you. however, the program dose not run in a window, so you cannot multi-task while playing. There are enough options to change and teams to play to keep this game interesting, you can have hundreds of variation every games and it feels completly different. plus being able to play as Russians, Germans, Brittians, Japaniese, or Americans makes this a great game to play. Great Replay Value, Fun Gameplay, 8 out of 10