Well-made artsy animal detective game

User Rating: 8 | Aviary Attorney PC

The game is a visual novel detective, similar to e.g. Ace Attorney, with several locations, simple point and click to find clues and hearings with witness interrogation. You play as a falcon, the other characters are also animals, although very sophisticated and classy humanlike creatures. What makes this particular game so great is the beautiful and unique artstyle, all characters and locations are absolutely stunning. The classical music (Camille Saint-Saens) also gave it a very nice and sincere atmosphere. During several trials you get to know the main characters better and the story builds up to some extend. The game is quite short, but I didn't mind because I thoroughly enjoyed the story and art. The only thing I enjoyed less was repeating parts of the story to get the multiple endings (would have been nice to skip large parts of dialogue there).