Buy the GameBoy Advance version instead

User Rating: 6 | Avatar: The Last Airbender DS
I will confess I've never seen the Avatar TV show I thought it looked quite good. after buying the GBA version I was interested in the show but The GBA version still couldn't be described as a classic. Still when my brother got me the DS version for my birthday i thought it would be fun, Unfortunately it was disappointing.

Let me start by saying this is not an awful game. It has bright and colourful characters and the graphics are surprisingly good however everything else about this game could have been improved.

The fighting system is a big let down. In the battles you will almost randomly use attack which usually miss whilst your allies do nothing helpful. The special attacks are either not powerful enough or two slow so generally I don't use them.
The menu system is good but a good menu doesn't make a good game.
The music is almost painfully boring, there's no speech and very basic sound effects, the Characters are generally annoying and there are no puzzles to work out which is one of the reasons why I buy RPG's. On top of that there are several frustrating moments, like when your breaking into a prison and your characters remove their disguises because they smell, then a guard comes round the corner and kills you.

This game had a lot of potential however it's just boring. Poor sound and poor fighting counteract the good graphics and whilst some people may enjoy this game (and it can be good at passing time) This is not a game to buy. Save yourself a lot of money and buy the GBA version if you really want an Avatar game.