A game suited for younger audiences based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV Show.

User Rating: 4.1 | Avatar: The Last Airbender PS2
Avatar: The Last Airbender

When this game came out my brother wanted to buy it, I was very much against this ($40 for a game that is sure to dissapoint). But my mother bought it anyway so I'm here to review it. Gameplay:

The gameplay of this game is very similar to X-Men Legends. You start off with the main character Ang. The gameplay is pretty basic to say the least, you have a hit button, a block button, and a special attack button. Very basic. After playing for about 3-4 hours you get all the characters, 4 to be exact. They each have a basic punch and block move, and each character has 4 unique special attacks. The battles are fought in real time but leave a lot to be desired. After fighting many enemies you get a chance to level up, level ups are pretty basic, you get a boost in health and Chi (energy required to use special skills), and a boost in your attack and defence. Overall the gameplay is dumbed down, but the game is made for younger audiences.

Gameplay Score: 4


The games graphics aren't anything special either. The game use cell-shaded graphics which fit the cartoony feel the game was trying to achieve. This fails because in many cutscenes you can't tell who's who due to the outlines being too thick covering up the faces. The games graphics are very meh. Again the game is trying to mimic the show but it doesn't do a very good job at it.

Graphics Score: 4


The game has voice acting. The voice acting is nothing special, but it won't make your ears bleed either. The overall music of the game is nothing special either. There is some music from the show, which I never liked anyway so I guess I'm a little biased on the sounds of the game. Overall the sound of the game is pretty average.

Sound Score: 5


This game is not worth $40 by any means, its not even worth $20. You might like it if your a really big fan of the show, but if not the game is not for you. The story is below average, graphics and gameplay as well. Overall maybe a rental, but do not buy this game. This game will be a waste of money, the actual gameplay is around 15 hours, and there is no Online, or Co-op features.

Value: 2


This game is pretty dissapointing. First of all its made by THQ working with Nick, that's not a good combo any day of the week. The game is really below average in all categories. The only people that might like the game are big fans of the show, but even they will be dissapointed by the story of this game.