Probably doesn't need to be said but adults need not apply - it was a cheap blind buy and I was bored within minutes...

User Rating: 3.5 | Avatar: The Last Airbender GC
Based on what I hear is a pretty good cartoon that M. Night Shymalan is apparently making into his next feature film (?), the game came cheap and my sporadic game playing sometimes needs a simple time-waster in between the long bouts of my extremely stressful job. This will sometimes pay off but no such luck here.

OK level design supports extremely deriviative gameplay and I threw in the towel fairly early. Constant dispatching of bad guys from a top down perspective and collecting - that's it. I suppose being a huge fan of the cartoon might lead to more interest but I doubt it....considering it doesn't even seem that the game took advantage of some of the finer points of the cartoon.

Obviously, being a 29-year old man, I'm not the target demo for this game so the mileage may vary depending on age but if you're looking for a time-waster but not necessarily a waste of time, keep looking.