If your a fan, try it. If not, ignore it.

User Rating: 1 | Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth X360
I played this game for oh about 2.5 mins.

I did rent this for this the Achievements, but I couldnt make it through after that. Horrible control scheme, wierd cut screens, unispired gameplay.

I cant even think of a hundred words to discribe this pile of steaming cow dung. I maybe can understand this game better if I was a fan of the series. But I'm not so I really dont care.

Dang still not at hundred yet. wait.. nope.

I've played almost every 360 game out there and this one was the worst games yet. I would go lower then 1 is I could.

Dang now 800 charactors.

Ok this game is Bad. If you like Avatar the series (which I didnt even know existed till I got this game) then check it out. Other wise keep walking.

I was chasing the mailman down the block with my gamefly envelope in hand trying to return it as fast as possible.