A frustrating game, or a never-ending geometry problem-- take your pick.

User Rating: 4 | Asteroids ARC
Asteroid was one of the earliest arcade games. It boasted a very simple structure, whereby you are the pilot of a spaceship shaped like a door wedge. You spin around and boost here and there, trying to gun down the flying chunks of rock that zoom past you. And you blow up a lot.

There isn't much to the game's flying skills. You don't have many places to go. Essentially, you get to be that little triangle, desperately wheeling around, trying to clear some room for yourself amid the flying debris. Every time you fire on an asteroid, it breaks into smaller pieces that come toward you all the faster. Quickly enough, the screen will become so jammed with rocks that you can't go anywhere, and blow up.

It was surpassing difficult to be any good at this game. Ordinarily, that might be the cause for me to give the game a little more respect, but this title seemed designed to leech all the fun out of your playing time. And that's just wrong.