A perfect mix of Risk-like strategy and classic quasi-3D platform with Asterix and Obelix trying to free Gallia.

User Rating: 9 | Asterix: The Gallic War PC
This is a unique game in the Asterix & Obelix game universe. It's almost unknown (very unfairly) and it's a commendable attempt to make a platform/strategy. That's right. A strategy with Asterix and Obelix. However, this is not a RTS, mind you. The strategy part is like the board game Risk. You start with certain points and you slowly free the neighbouring territories. If your points are higher than the enemies', you take a territory over and can choose how many of your points (representing army) will cross there. After your turn, computer plays and so on. If you have equal amount of points to the territory you are attacking it can go either way, and if you have less, forget it. Certain chunks of the map contain an ingredient that Getafix needs for his magic strength potion. After you attack this territory, you enter a classic platform level. After you beat it, and get the ingredient, the territory is yours. However, like in Risk, you can get "stuck" with no way to win in the middle of the game because of your bad tactics, but it doesn't happen often, and considering the game can be beaten in some 3 and a half hours, it doesn't matter all that much if you start over. The Risk part is highly addictive, and the platform parts are very comic-like, although at certain places you will spent a bit more time then you would like (like Colosseum where you fight animals). It's a very fun, colorful and short game. You win when you get all the territories. Replayability is high. You almost never feel that it's a chore to play, and yet often it is highly relaxing. The scene where defeated Caesar humbly accepts defeat and gives away his olive wreath is almost heartbreaking.

This is a great game well worth your time and money. Easy for kids and adults. And if you like the comics this is a must, considering that it's The only game where you actually beat The Caesar!