You have got to be kidding

User Rating: 3.2 | Asterix & Obelix XXL PS2
Story: You are Asterix and Obelix, two gaulish warriors whose peaceful lives in the land of Gaul are shattered when Caesar and his roman legions come and destroy your village, capture all of your friends and steal a cauldron of magic potion. You have to rescue them, and so the story begins.

As you begin your mission, you are assisted by a former roman spy who is pissed off that he got fired by caesar, so he helps your characters along the way. There are many different provinces in the empire where your friends are scattered. Gaul, Normandy, Helvetia, Egypt, Greece and Rome.

This game reminds me of Crash bandicoot because of its goofiness. Asterix (the smaller one) is used to solve puzzles and sometimes move objects to progress through the levels. Obelix (the fat one) is used as the muscle, primarily to break steel crates. The fighting style of the game is..well, **** slapping. You would think that two warriors would be using fists. But no, it is not to be, you are literally pimp smacking your enemies until they disappear into a puff of smoke (in the beginning of the game, asterix and obelix are beating up roman warriors so hard...that they send them into space...)

The gameplay itself is pretty simple. Easy puzzle solving, and by puzzles I mean Asterix uses torches to light fires which he uses to light powder keg barrels to blow holes in walls for one. You also hit glowing switches or stand on pressure pads in the floor to open doors. You also have to buy power ups and combo upgrades by using roman helmets for currency, from a stereotypical british person, whose shop is in a box. Other than that you just have to beat the piss out of Romans, vikings, egyptians etc to get through levels.

The music was a mix between european techno and wailing women during fights, nuff said there. The boss fights in this game are repetitive literally. At the end of every world or so you have to fight what I assume is supposed to be a roman siege engine. It is usually a giant box shaped vehicle covered completely in spikes, it also has four large rolling pins that are covered in spikes, you usually have to shoot a weak point to make the rolling pins shoot out so you can punch off the screws.

I never go to finish this damn game, I am stuck on the first level of Rome. You have to fight eight hundred...yes 800 FREAKING PEOPLE! so you can activate a swith to get past the beginning of the stage. First you fight big romans and then small romans. It is a cheap fight considering they usually back you into a corner and proceed to rape you with spears and short swords. Fat Obelix, whom I like to call Balloon pants is sadly extremely useless during this fight. He just stands there and does nothing most of the time. Dogmatix (their attack dog) is also pretty much useless, he can just bite people and stun them for like five seconds. After dying fifty times and raising my blood pressure to new highs I turned off my game and swore never again.

I really tried to like this game, it was decent. It ran smoothly, the backrounds looked pretty ancient world and it was also pretty fun until Rome. Then it began to suck ass, Yea there is an idea. Call the next game Asterix and Obelix suck Assix. It angers me that one level ruined the game and the fun. Or maybe I am just getting to old....nah I'm gonna blame the game.

Rent this game, don't but it. You have been warned.