Just pure brilliance.

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed X360
So much to say about this game but yet i don't know how to start. I'll begin by talking about the story, brilliant. At the start of the game i was hardly interested in what was going on with Altair and the Holy Land and why the game would progress and for what meaning. When i reached my 4th assassination the story seemed to kick in then memory and reality wise.
Now I'll talk about the game in general, brilliant still. The massive game doesn't seem that big when you ride a horse through the kingdom or even free run to your destination. view points are fun to get as well for three things:
2.Leap of faith
and to open the map.
The physics and detail put into the game make it worth your time, which is around 15 hours. The crowd only adds realism into the game instead of a barrier when your getting away from the guards who are easy to kill. After you learn how to combo you can kill 20 guards in no more then 7 minuets until you fight templars who are the most experienced fighters discluding the assassination targets. And the one hit kill thing isnt even in the game as they said the game would contain this feature but in my opinion i can live without it seeing how the game progress ever ones better off without it.
Now a short bit about the free running, good. Yes i though I'd love to jump around but when you play the game you just want to finish it leaving no time for kidding around. The free running isnt perfect but will have to do as it was enough for me to finish the game and swiftly get around unnoticed.
So thats about it really, after all that time i was disappointed about one thing...the fact the game ended and for an insult it ended as a cliff hanger...WHY!!! So estimating the next one to be released in the year 2011 all i can do know is wait and hope for more amazing games to be released in the four year gap such as GTA, Gears of war 2 etc. Hope ubisoft are developing the next prince of persia and learn of what a great success assassins creed was and will always be. Make the next on perfect and it will be the greatest game ever, not like this one isnt a competitor. Cant wait for the next game in the franchise hope the next xbox isnt released by then. So all i have to say now is it was worth the 4 years of development.
Thank you....