Fun and good story brought down by bugs.

User Rating: 7 | Assassin's Creed: Revelations PC
I remember when i played this game when it came out, it was flawless with virtually no bugs except for multiplayer issues and Desmond's journey crashing the game every time. Now i come back to it FILLED with bugs (i.e. maneuvering is a lot harder, moving back randomly and can't move until get hit, one mission i kept getting teleported back down when i was supposed to climb a tower, etc.). Story was pretty good, but quite confusing seeing Desmond changing his clothes in every game but this time he's now in the Animus with no way out. The focus on Desmond felt extremely vague, it's like he was barely there this time...even though he felt like he was barely there in the other games. Then being Ezio changed it bringing fun and story to the game. I haven't even beaten the game yet due to my frustration towards how buggy it is (>:().

Then there's the multiplayer aspect. Multiplayer is basically the same as brotherhood except now there's a mode where you don't get a compass pointing towards your target but it just makes his/her icon brighter to indicate you're either closer to him/her or if the target is in your sight. Then there are also little whispers that get louder when someone is about to assassinate you. The multiplayer community is very weak, seeing only the same 50 people i play with every time i try to play multiplayer.

Overall, in my opinion i felt like this game had potential to be incredible, but not necessarily as revolutionary as Assassin's Creed II. Story is well done, but the bugs in game play had brought me down so terribly i decided to give up. With the Ubisoft team on the works on Assassin's Creed III, i can only hope that this time they won't decide to update the game whereas it was flawless and had virtually no bugs to a game that somehow became shat on by bugs.