More of the same......but much better. This game is excellent.

User Rating: 9.5 | Assassin's Creed II X360
So far I have just gotten my first set of gear within the game. It took a while for the story to build, but now that I can kill people gloriously, it is becoming fun again. I have read that the story would be linear but not invasive, however so far i'm starting to feel "tunnel visioned" and the side missions have a very familiar air of the first game. I will say that the roof hopping and building climbing never get old, and the crowd blending feels more authentic, if a little forced. The new story is growing on me but it is going to take some time to get attached to these characters. The controls are spot on and the draw distance is very nice. I am looking forward to seeing the new locations. I really like this game so far and I think this has the potential to be one of my favorites.