Great game for the portable series but not as good as the original on Next-Gen consoles...

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
The PSP version was done really well. This game picks up where Assassin's Creed and Altair left off. The storyline is lengthy and upgrades keep you entertained and want to play more.

As far as gameplay goes, it's JUST the way it is on Next-Gen Consoles (fighting, navigation, side quests, etc.). If you haven't played Assassin's Creed before, this game is a must play because it really captures what was done on Next-Gen to the T, like you never thought possible. It still has the one drawback that I really, really dislike and that's the repetitiveness in the game PSP and Next-Gen.

The textures are great but the areas are small and you'll end up navigating around the map the same way which will add to the repetition. The maps are big but they are divided into sections, which is where the 'small' comes from, so it has loading times in between transitioning to different parts of the area.

Also there isn't a lot of people (NPCs) around the map and one time like on Next-Gen due to I guess the PSP's limitations. On the map you will run across at most 4 guards/Templars at a time if not one at a time.

With all these drawbacks taken under consideration, I give this game an 8.0 because this is a really great game that can't be considered a port because it's its own game with an all-new original storyline. Repetitiveness is still there but it was in the original also so that's forgiven because it was expected.