somewhat a letdown

User Rating: 4 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
So here we go on another bad Assassins creed Bloodline Review.

The story follows Altair 1 month after killing the last templar leader and tracking down the last templars who have fled to Cyprus. The story is okay in terms of how much you find out about the Templars and Altair between AS1 and AS2 but it has a feeling of been there done that to it. the Missions vary from assassionations sneeking into templar bases introgation and saveing people from death.

Due the the psps lack of another anolog stick the camaer is somewhat annyoing and will let you down at times when you most need to focus like running from guards along the rooftops or combat it often will get stuck behind a wall then you will have to stop what your doing to alter it and ofter puts you off. All though the original Assassins creed feel is there it doesnt feel the same as the other Assassins creed games. dont get me wrong it is still fun to stealth kill a unwary guard and run up walls and jump off rooftops. The Ai for the guards is terriable they often dont notice you murder another guard right infront of them and often justt walk right past the crimescence. What is a very good extra is that any templar coins you find and weapons you can transfer them to Assassins creed 2 ps3 only though and any secret weaopns form AC2 can go to AC:B

This is one of the strongpoints of the game the graphics are awesome all the characters animations have been pulled right out of the game and its the same with the sounds its a shame they took the eagle viewpoint music out though.

its is almost the same as the other Assassins creed games you press the R button for high profile kills like counter kills and combo kills which are really cool to watch becasue the camera always zooms in on the kill.

the game is fun but the feel of been there done that is annyoing and repetive you will often find yourself doing the same thing over and over and starts to get boring