Not bad but expect to find it at the bargain bin in Walmart.

User Rating: 7 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Knowing that AC2 will be an inevitable success, developers decided to cash into the future sensation by releasing Assassin's Creed Bloodlines. This was the only reason they made this game for; money. When I first saw the trailer for it, that's the first thing I thought. That didn't stop my interest in the game though and along with Assassins Creed 2 I eagerly (not as eagerly as AC2 though) awaited the release of Bloodlines. In fact, when I bought this game and AC2, I played this first.

In all honesty, the game is good for what it's worth. There are no problems with climbing buildings, the concept is easy to understand, graphics aren't bad, and the stealth kills, as always, make the game spectacular.

Nevertheless, the game falls short on some aspects. Counter kills are more stuck, while the camera is horrible. Boss fights actually require combat as an enemy has a life bar and a hidden blade is useless. The guards' suspicion level is annoying and the voice acting and commentary make me cringe.

But as I said, it's not bad, just expect it to be at the bargain bin in Walmart.