An unexpected and unusual review....from the eyes of one of the game's female citizens!

User Rating: 7.5 | Asda Story PC
Omnibus World. It's a wonderful world full of color, friends, and fun. Who am I, you ask? I am a resident here, currently running around at 61 levels old. I'm sure you are curious to know why I am here. I wish to tell you the story of my time here. Let's call it: Asda Story.

I was born in to the world in a town named Alpen, the traditional birthing place in the continent of Alpeon. What awaited me was a shiny colorful place which you might equate to a cartoon in your world. My large feet made me feel clumsy, but I learned quickly how my body worked. I had to, because right from the start the townspeople were asking me to run errands for them. I was sent off to kill some monsters outside of town with what looked like a cow's udder...I have since been informed that it was a frozen rubber glove.

After doing a few tasks, I had gained enough worldly experience to choose an occupation. Each of the three masters in Alpen tried to recruit me once I was 5 levels old. I was given the choice of becoming a fighter, an archer, or a mage. I decided to become an archer and went to complete Wendy's task to show I was worthy of joining her. Upon returning I was congratulated, given a weapon, and was given the opportunity to shout to all of Alpen what I had achieved.

Time passed and I made some new friends. For hours we dug for treasure under a tree in Rein River, and talked about many things. I was welcomed to their clan with open arms. We then decided to go complete some tasks we were given.

We approached the Queen's Palace. Six of us entered in to what seemed like a different realm. It was a dark dungeon filled with chess boards and possessed chess pieces. No one else was around to hear our cries of pain and grunts of hard work as we slowly worked our way through. At the end we found the queen we were supposed to get a necklace from. We asked nicely for her to let us borrow it, but she refused. We were forced to kill her and steal it from her dresser. Our task was complete. Later on in my life I would be able to enter three more palaces like this, each more dangerous than the last.

My friends and I soon became 24 levels old, and could progress further in our respective jobs. In Silaris I became a Ranger, while my friend became a Knight. Her soulmate became a Sorcerer. We were now much stronger and had many more skills we could learn to do. We also were allowed to wear stronger equipment reserved for people of our status. Instead of hunting for stolen armor from the monsters, I decided to go to the market in Alpen to buy some from other citizens. I could not find a full outfit that matched so I tried my best with what I could find. The fashion in Omnibus World can be quite odd, but there is a lot of variety!

As time passed we learned how to craft our own equipment, and salvage old equipment for materials as well. We were given ways to make our equipment stronger and push them past their previous limits. Finally, we were able to stand up to the monsters like never before. We also learned how to create potions, though I always found it more convenient to just buy from one of the shops in town. At 10 levels old, each citizen is given a permit to set up their own shop in addition to selling things through the market.

In my early 30s, I was recruited to go in to the hardest dungeon yet: Forgotten Canyon. It is said to be for only elite and experience warriors. My party took it head on. There were casualties but we were able to finish our objectives and get some of the best equipment for our level. We felt like heroes. We came later to find there were more dangerous areas like this one, each with stronger equipment and sowels to enchant our equipment with. The adventures could go on forever!

Much of my life continued in a similar fashion...running errands for the people of Alpeon and enjoying my own adventures. In my mid 30s however, the townspeople stopped asking things of me. Was I not good enough for them? Maybe I was getting too expensive for them and they decided to employ younger, less experienced people. I guess it happens to all of us at some point. This now gave me time to enjoy my own adventures and create my own goals. I achieved many things, from dancing 3000 times to killing thousands of monsters. At one point I was one of the top 10 people in the world when it came to these tasks!

At 40 I was allowed to ascend in my profession again, and became a Master Archer. I can't wait until I can get even higher in my occupation! I may seem old now, but there is still plenty to come! But I have now hit my midlife crisis. I'm not sure what to do anymore except kill, kill, and kill more. I changed my hairstyle a couple times, only to go back to what I had before. My closet is full of clothing from my adventures. I enjoy collecting items. Typical of a girl, I suppose. There are plenty of wonderful people around to talk to at least. And even though I'm all danced-out, I have many achievements yet to be gained. I have also developed multiple personalities in which I pretend I can use magic or wield a spear. These personalities take me back to my younger days.

What is a world without love? In this world there are those who become soulmates. Two friends or lovers may become one another's soulmate, and become stronger than ever before. I once had a soulmate when I was young. Together we took on the tasks we were sent out to do. Eventually we were able to mend each other's wounds and call from each other from across the world. We were an unstoppable force. Ah, to be young again. A soulmate is they say. Like marriage in your world it's only forever until it becomes inconvenient from one or both parties. We broke our bond and went our separate ways. He transported to a world of war, elves, and dwarves, and I stayed here. But no worries, I was still young, had friends, and had plenty of life left to enjoy!

Eventually I was able to find a new companion: a pet which helped me become stronger. He is so cute! There were many pets to choose from, but a puppy was most fit for me. I also obtained a guardian who helps me fight. He gets in the way sometimes though because he is so big, so I asked him to stay hidden. But he makes me stronger and has taught me some new skills. I am grateful.

When I became 60, a series of wars broke out in Omnibus. Three factions fight for glory in the battle field. It's sad to see such hostility between people of the same world, but to many it is a game. You might see it as something like capture the flag. When a war is not taking place, friendly duels often break out around the fields. I enjoy testing out my skills on willing people nearby. I find that I have trouble with fighters, but mages are quite easy to defeat with my abilities. Other archers can sometimes be a pain as well.

A new area was also discovered not long ago. The two-headed dragon Enkidu hides in the Dragon's Lair near the town of Flammio. Often times several experienced parties will go there to summon and slay the beast, and often they will fail. I have had the privilege of killing the beast in a long grueling battle. The most powerful items currently in the world can be found from Enkidu and his guards.

Whippersnappers don't know how easy they have it now. Back in my day, getting older took time, effort, and cooperation. We learned together how to use our skills well in a combat situation. We relied on each other as comrades. We were killing monsters for our level with people our own level. It was wonderful. Since then, many new areas have been discovered with more dangerous enemies. Often times younger people will team with with us old geezers in the fields and gain what they think is experience. Much like smoking at a young age, this really only makes you look older or cooler, while you still have a lot of growing up to do. I guess people just don't know how to enjoy their youth these days.

In any case, I am excited for what is to come as I get even older. I'm sure this world has much in store for my friends and I. For now I will press on. I will gain more experience and search for ways to make myself stronger. I will continue to help the young with their difficulties, and find ways to make this world a better place.

I hope to meet you in my world.

Notes: Hooray for nerdy "reviews"! In any case, this game is great and very addictive. It's definitely for the casual gamer. There is not enough content for hardcore gamers, and the PvP is quite unbalanced. Development is slow, but does exist (it comes straight from Korea). There are some bugs, but they can be dealt with. Spammers are usually minimal. It's really your typical free to play anime-style game with a few things that make it stand out.

There are several features which I kind of outlined in the story above. If you didn't catch them here are a few: soulmates, crafting/alchemy, digging, upgrading, pets, soul guardians, market/personal shops, and title system. The graphics are wonderful for a free game, and it has a fairly unique style. Movement can be done with clicking or WASD.

They hold many events in which you can earn items and premium currency for the item mall (in quite large amounts). The item mall is not TOO overpowered, as they give plenty of opportunities for non-cash-spenders to gain those items as well.

The community is the best part of the game, and a big part of it as well. The GMs are friendly and very helpful, too. If I had to choose one reason I play the game, it is the people in it.

That's all I have here! If you'd like to see a more informational review (with screenshots!), you can find the "Asda Story In-Depth Review" by myself at mmosite.