Developers of Star Trek should be taking notes

User Rating: 7.8 | Ascendancy PC
I’ve love reviewing my past games that bring back memories. I am a Sci-Fi fan and though not a Trekkie, I do enjoy most of the Star Trek movies and TV shows. I’ve tried strategy games based on the Star Trek Universe and were sadly disappointed. This game has all the aspects of Star Trek. You can explore different Star Systems, build different ships, develop technologies and colonize planets. With no campaign mode and computer generated maps, some people might finish the game and never look back. What I tried was different races on large maps which could take some time to complete.
If you’re the Emperor type who wants to control everything, the turns per cycle can take a long time to complete. Sometimes you want to hand over control of planet to the computer to speed up the game. I only do so when I can no longer build any other structures on the planet as the AI chooses structures which doesn’t help or hinder your civilization . The fleet battles are somewhat average. I find the computer runs away most of the time to avoid getting hurt, only when cornered I find the fleet battles enjoyable to watch.

As a whole this game is above average where its main competitor is Master Of Orion (Better Game play). Still you can enjoy countless hours conquering the Galaxy