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Zombrex Dead Rising Sun release dates revealed

Capcom to premiere new episodes of game series' live-action adaptation throughout August; clips will be added to official site after one-week exclusivity on Xbox Live.

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Dead Rising 2 has been pushed back to September, but disappointed fans of zombie-centric media aren't completely out of luck. Capcom today detailed its release schedule for the live-action Zombrex Dead Rising Sun film project, and the publisher is guaranteeing regular injections of unruly undead throughout August.


The film is being split into eight episodes, which will be released on Xbox Live over four weeks. After one week of exclusive availability on Microsoft's service, the episodes will be made available on the project's official Web site. At the moment, the site contains little more than an image of a blood-soaked wheelchair and a trailer for the movie.

Originally announced in January, Zombrex Dead Rising Sun has creative continuity with the game series, as Dead Rising director Keiji Inafune helmed the live-action adaptation as well. Additionally, Inafune reteamed with Dead Rising scenario editor Makoto Ikehara to create the film's story. Shot in Japan, the movie follows two brothers attempting to escape a quarantined area in the midst of a zombie outbreak. The film also ties in to the upcoming Dead Rising 2, the story of which features Zombrex, an anti-zombification medication. Faux syringes of the serum were sent to the press as a promotional item.

Dead Rising 2 is set to contaminate North American Xbox 360s, PlayStation 3s, and PCs on September 28, with the infection spreading to Japan on September 30 and to Europe on October 1. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's latest preview. The full schedule of episodes and release dates follows below.

August 4 - Episodes 1, 2, and 3
August 11 - Episodes 4 and 5
August 18 - Episodes 6 and 7
August 25 - Episode 8

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