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Yummy partners with Arush, Ripcord, and 3DO

The online game distribution company will soon offer a wider selection of games for rental.


Yummy Interactive has announced new partnerships with game publishers Arush Entertainment, Ripcord Games, and The 3DO Company. The new partnerships will let Yummy offer a number of new games to users of its game rental and subscription-based services, including Feedin' Chloe, Monkey Brains, RC Daredevil, and Primal Prey from Arush; Spec Ops 2, Space Bunnies Must Die, and Enemy Infestation from Ripcord; and Heroes of Might and Magic III, Might and Magic VII, Crusaders of Might and Magic, and Army Men Air Tactics from 3DO.

"With Yummy's technology, broadband gamers can rent the latest popular PC games on demand over the Internet. That opens brand-new distribution models for publishers," said Susan Lewis, vice president of content for Yummy Interactive. "Partnering with companies like 3DO, Arush, and Ripcord adds a variety of hit games to our rapidly growing catalogue of titles."

For more information, visit the official Yummy Interactive Web site.

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