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Xbox Series X's Scarlet Nexus Also Coming To PS5 And Current-Gen Consoles

Despite showing up during Microsoft's next-gen livestream, the upcoming RPG is not an Xbox Series X exclusive.


Bandai Namco's upcoming action-RPG, Scarlet Nexus, is not an Xbox Series X exclusive despite making an appearance during Microsoft's recent Inside Xbox livestream. The publisher has announced that the anime action game will also launch on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox One.

As of right now, however, Scarlet Nexus' official website only lists the Xbox family of systems as its intended launch platforms. Additionally, no release date has been confirmed as of yet.

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Now Playing: Scarlet Nexus Premiere Trailer | Inside Xbox

Scarlet Nexus is an action-RPG where you play as Yuito Sumeragi, an Other Suppression Force (OSF) member gifted with powerful psycho-kinesis abilities, who helps curb the assault of mutated humanoids called Others. The game--which shares a lot of thematic DNA with Mob Psycho 100--is being spearheaded by members of the studio's acclaimed Tales Of series, particularly developers of 2008's Tales of Vesperia.

While Scarlet Nexus is headed to other platforms, Bandai Namco did confirm that it will make use of Microsoft's Smart Delivery service. This means that if you buy the game on Xbox One, you get to upgrade it to the Xbox Series X version at no extra cost. We've rounded up a list of every confirmed game to use Smart Delivery so far.

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