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Win a Steel Series Siberia Headset and SRW-S1 Racing Wheel!

Sick of lame lap times? Tired of missing those sneaky knife kills? We've got the competition for you!


It's often said that a poor workman blames his tools. Those poor kill ratios, epic deaths, and terrible lap times; they weren't your fault. It was lag, or the controller, or a weak sound system. Most definitely not your skills.

We've got the solution to your gaming woes, thanks to Danish pro-gaming peripheral maker Steel Series. We're giving you the chance to win either a SRW-S1 Wireless Steering Wheel or a Siberia V2 Headset!

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The Simraceway S1 Steering Wheel is a high-performance, handheld PC racing wheel co-designed by SteelSeries and Ignite Technologies. The portable, motion-sensor wheel features a patented throttle and brake lever system that offers a fully simulated racing experience, without the need for a full racing wheel setup. And while it's been designed with Simraceway in mind, it's just as happy plowing through the mud in Dirt or shaving those split seconds off of lap times in F1 2011.

The Siberia V2 is a full-size headset, complete with built in microphone, in-line volume control, and large 50mm drivers. It's fully compatible with the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac, and PC. And as we found out in our review, it's pretty darn good.

All you have to do to win one of these fabulous prizes is answer the following question:

Where is Steel Series based?

Send your answer to, including your address, and let us know which device you'd prefer. The competition closes on Friday February 24 and winners will be notified by email. Please note, this competition is open to UK residents only.

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