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Wii U Gets Rhapsody Music Player in North America

Wii found love in a hopeless place...


If you live in North America and were jealous of Europeans streaming music on their Wii Us, then you'll be happy to hear that Rhapsody Music is coming to Nintendo's console.

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If you want to get in on the music streaming, you can download the app now for free, but you'll need a Rhapsody or Napster subscription to access it. If you aren't currently a subscriber, you can sign up for a 30-day free trial.

The Wii U Game Pad's screen can be used to access and control all of the music. Rhapsody's website says that users can access their libraries and playlists, "created in the Rhapsody apps for smartphones and tablets or online." It's not clear if users will be able to save tracks and create playlists on the Wii U.

We've reached out to Nintendo to clarify the app's features and if you can listen to the music while navigating the Wii U's menus and playing its games.

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