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Week 3 progress update

It looks like I made progress this week. We're almost halfway through the 6-week test and I'm just over two and a half pounds away from my 5-pound weight loss goal for the period. I can honestly say that my jeans do feel looser now, more than I'd expect from losing just two and a half pounds, so I...


It looks like I made progress this week. We're almost halfway through the 6-week test and I'm just over two and a half pounds away from my 5-pound weight loss goal for the period. I can honestly say that my jeans do feel looser now, more than I'd expect from losing just two and a half pounds, so I think I've added some muscle in addition to losing fat. I'll credit the majority of the weight loss to tennis and maintaining a reasonable diet, but Wii Fit's strength training exercises have helped with the muscle gain.

Starting Weight: 182 lbs. | Current Weight: 179.7 lbs. | Goal: 177 lbs.

The graph shows that my weight fluctuates quite a bit day to day, but the overall trend is down.

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