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Warcraft III release update

Blizzard's upcoming real-time strategy game is on track for mid-2002.


Several online retailers are listing Warcraft III, Blizzard's upcoming real-time strategy game, for release in June or July of 2002. We spoke to a company representative to see if there had been any recent changes in the game's development schedule. According to Blizzard, the company has intended to release the game in the first half of 2002 since the July announcement that the game would not make its Q4 2001 release date, and the game is still on track for the revised date.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is the next game in Blizzard's popular Warcraft real-time strategy series, and it will feature a number of improvements, including four playable races, a new 3D engine, and role-playing elements. For more information, take a look at our collection of screenshots, movies, and in-depth previews of the game.

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