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Warcraft III patch soon for farm bug

Blizzard says it's fully aware of a major multiplayer bug that will be addressed in the upcoming 1.03 patch.


The forums have recently been filled with talk about the "farm bug" that's surfaced in Warcraft III. The bug allows a human player to build a farm in a certain way, then cancel it and get back more resources than it took to build the farm. Blizzard has said that it's aware of the problem and that it will be dealt with in the 1.03 patch that's coming "soon." The 1.03 patch will also make other adjustments to the game.

The official Warcraft III forum moderator has recommended that players not compete in ladder games, at least not with their main account, until the farm bug is fixed.

For more details on Warcraft III, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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